Title: Worth It Author: twinsarein Fandom: DCU Pairing: Clark/Bruce Rating: NC-17 Word count: 1,849 Genre: PWP, First Time Summary: Bruce checks on an alarm going off because of something said at Superman’s Fortress. He sees and hears more than he expects. Feedback: Does Superman enjoy sunshine? A/N: Written for the mmom
((~crosses the finish line, arms of victory~ WHOOT))
Title: Superheroes at Rest Self-Lover: Renee Montoya, Kate Kane, Wonder Woman Fandom: DC Comics Words: 700 Date: May 31 Summary: There's no crisis. Just a press conference. ( Superheroes at Rest )
Title: Cold Fire Author: rubynye Fandom: DC Comics Pairing/Characters: Steph (Spoiler/Robin IV) /Kon (Superboy) /Tim (Robin III) Rating/Warnings: R, threesome. Spoilers: Set after Infinite Crisis. Word Count: 250 Summary: Tim dreams, and wakes. (Cold Fire)
Title: Red Lobster Medium: DC comics Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. Pairing: Bart Allen/Dick Grayson Rating: Adult Spoilers/timeline: It's OYL, so Bart is tall and kind-of-sort-of legal. Length: 800 words
Title: Cause for Alarm Fandom: DC Comics? Character: young Clark Kent, not particularly from any specific iteration Rating: PG Words: 300 A/N: Yeah, I've completely never tried to write Superman doing anything before. Heh.